You can download the lectures here. We will try to upload lectures prior to their corresponding classes.
Lecture 1 Course Introduction
Description: We will go over course policies, a brief description and introduction
Lecture 2 Python Introduction
Description: We will go over basic commands in python
Suggested Readings:
Lecture 3 Numpy
Description: We will discuss basics of numpy library and how it can help with data mining models
Suggested Readings:
Lecture 4 Scipy
Description: We will continue with numpy and discuss basics of scipy
Suggested Readings:
Lecture 5 Matplotlib
Description: We will discuss basic plotting functionalities provided by matplotlib
Suggested Readings:
Lecture 6 Data Characteristics
Description: We will discuss data properties and distance measures
Lecture 7 Data quality and preprocessing
Description: We will discuss additional aspects of data and various useful preprocessing strategies
Lecture 8 Introduction to Sklearn
Description: We will get familiar with the sklearn library in python for data mining
Suggested Readings:
Lecture 21 Random Forest
Description: We will discuss Random Forest and analyze its classification performance
Lecture 22 Classifier Evaluation
Description: We will discuss multiple measures of classifier performance for balanced/imbalanced datasets